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  1. --version 6.0---
    [unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum Data base v6.0 English
    - Fixed and added a few homebrews games.
    - Fixed the name of some games
    - It has been done with a "hyperspin" format;
       · Removed series of games and now they are in afavetic order
       · , The ; ...etc
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum. -Link Below-
    --version 5.Sinclair ZX Spectrum.xml1---
    [unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum Data base v5.1 English
    - for English language
    [unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum Data base v5.1 Spanish
    - for Spanish language. Contains in Spanish and adventures-text and trivial pursuit games, which are incomprehensible to English.
    Antartida (Spain) (Unl)
    Aventuras de Rudolphine Rur, Las (Part 1) (DSK) (Spain) (Unl)
    Aventuras de Rudolphine Rur, Las (Part 2) (DSK) (Spain) (Unl)
    Binary Land - ZX (Europe) (Unl)
    Black and White (Europe) (Unl)
    BlockZ (Europe) (Unl)
    Bonnie and Clyde (Europe) (Unl)
    Bugaboo the Flea - La Pulguita (Spain) (Unl)
    Cheril in the Bosque en otro Bosque (Europe) (Unl)
    Cocoa and the Time Machine (Europe) (Unl)
    Colonos ZX (Europe) (Unl)
    Cuadragon (Spain) (Unl)
    Curse of Trasmoz, The (Europe) (Unl)
    Danterrifik (Europe) (Unl)
    Derinkuyu (Europe) (Unl)
    Devils Quest (Europe) (Unl)
    Dr. Who - Surrender Time 128k (Europe) (Unl) reemplaced from DrWho - Surrender Time 128k (Europe) (Unl)
    Dragon Tale Fantasy (DSK) (Spain) (Unl)
    Drift! (Europe) (Unl)
    Funky Fungus Reloaded (English) (Unl)
    Funky Fungus Reloaded (Spanish) (Unl)
    Gnoni 2020 (Spain) (Unl)
    Godkiller 2 - Exile (Side (Europe) (Unl) remove
    Godkiller 2 - Exile NTE (Europe) (Unl) reemplaced from Godkiller 2 - Exile (Side A) (Europe) (Unl)
    Hoarder, The (English) (Unl)
    Hoarder, The (Spanish) (Unl)
    Hunt Buck - Nuclear Defence (Russia) (Unl)
    Jumpin’ Jupiter (Europe) (Unl)
    Just a Gal (Europe) (Unl)
    Los Tesoros Perdidos de Tulum (Spanish) (Unl)
    Lost Treasures of Tulum (English) (Unl)
    MagicAble (Europe) (Unl)
    Moons And The Pirates (Europe) (Unl)
    Moons And The Pirates (Spain) (Unl)
    Moritz the Striker (Europe) (Unl)
    Mosquetero de la Reina, El Capt 1 (Spain) (Unl)
    Ninjakul In The AUIC Temple (Spain) (Unl)
    Operation Labyrinth Fall (Europe) (Unl)
    Papyrus (Europe) (Unl)
    Pataslocas (Europe) (Unl)
    Percy Penguin in The Present Palaver (Europe) (Unl)
    R-Type 128k (Spectrum SE) (Europe) (Unl)
    Rade Blunner - Ep.2 Cannibal Wheh's Little Shop (Europe) (Unl)
    Rat-A-Tat (Europe) (Unl)
    Rescate 2019 (Spain) (Unl)
    SPRINGBOT - Mars Attack! (Europe) (Unl)
    Space Monsters meet THE HARDY (Europe) (Unl)
    Sword of Lana, The (Europe) (En,Es) (Unl) rename from Sword of Lana, The (DSK) (Europe) (En,Es) (Unl)
    Tetris Championship Edition (Europe) (Unl)
    Toofy's Nutty Nightmare (Europe) (Unl)
    Torreoscura (Part 1) (Spain) (Unl)
    Torreoscura (Part 2) (Spain) (Unl)
    Trashman Crisis Time (English) (Unl)
    Trashman Crisis Time (Spanish) (Unl)
    Vampire Vengeance (Europe) (Unl)
    Wudang (Europe) (En,Es) (Unl)
    Yazzie (Europe) (Unl)
    Zhl (Spain) (Unl)
    Zx Parachute (Europe) (Unl)
    -Classics games:
    Adidas Championship Tie-Break (Europe)
    Budokan rename 4 Side
    Cyberbig (Spain)
    Deep, The (Europe)
    Defenders of the Earth (Europe)
    Dimension Omega (Side A) (Spain)
    Dimension Omega (Side (Spain)
    Dominator (Europe)
    Double Take (Europe)
    Dr. Who - Dalek Attack (Europe)
    Eliminator (Alternative Software) (Europe)
    F-16 Fighting Falcon (Europe)
    Grand Prix Tennis (Europe)
    Grand Prix, 3D (Europe)
    Heart Broken (Europe)
    High Steel (Europe)
    Hot-Rod (Europe)
    Hotshot (Europe)
    International 3D Tennis (Europe)
    Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (Club Game A) (Europe) (En,Es,It)  rename from  Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (Europe)
    Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (Tornament (Europe) (En,Es,It) NEW
    Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Darts (Europe)
    Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (Europe)
    Khazzad-Dum (Spain)
    Leaderboard Tournament 3 - World Class Leaderboard (DSK) (Side A) (Europe) reemplaced by  Leaderboard Tournament 3 - World Class Leaderboard (Europe)
    Leaderboard Tournament 3 - World Class Leaderboard (DSK) (Side (Europe) new Xenophobe (Europe)
    Lee Enfield Space Ace (Europe)
    Mag Max - Robo Centurion (Europe)
    Magic Johnson's Basketball (Spain)
    Merlin (Firebird Software) (Europe)
    Mister Gas (Spain)
    Motor Massacre (Europe)
    Munsters, The (Europe)
    Nave (Europe) (Unl)
    Nick Faldo Plays the Open (Europe)
    Passing Shot (Europe)
    Pinball Wizard (Europe)
    Postman Pat (Europe)
    Postman Pat 2 (Europe)
    Postman Pat 3 - To the Rescue (Europe)
    Pro Tennis Simulator (Europe)
    Prohibition (Europe)
    Psycho City (Europe)
    R.B.I. 2 Baseball (Europe)
    Rebel (Europe)
    Show Jumping (Europe)
    Sleep Walker (Europe)
    Soccer Pinball (Europe)
    Speedboat Assassin (Europe)
    Street Sports Basketball (Europe)
    Super Pipeline II (Europe)
    Times of Lore (Europe)
    Vector Ball (Europe)
    Vixen (DSK) (Europe) rename from Vixen (Side A) (Europe)
    Vixen (Side (Europe) remove
    Willow Pattern Adventure, The (Europe)
    Winter Olympiad '88 (DSK) (Side A) (Europe) reemplaced by  Winter Olympiad '88 (Europe)
    Winter Olympiad '88 (DSK) (Side (Europe) new
    Xenophobe (Europe)
    Z (Europe)
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum.xml

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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