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Site Rules

I. General Forum Rules:

Please do not:

  • Flame or insult other members.
  • Post personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
  • Bump threads
  • Derail a thread's topic.
  • Post links to phishing sites.
  • Post spam or Re-post Closed, Modified, Deleted Content.
  • Repetitively post in the incorrect forum (example: trade requests belong in trading forum).
  • Openly argue with a moderator.  Contact the Moderator via a private message.
  • Share your account. Forum accounts are intended for the use by one person.
  • Create alternate, backup, or multiple accounts.
  • Publicly post or otherwise share PMs with other users unless you have the expressed permission of the sender to do so. Private Messages are intended to be just that - private.


II. The following topics are strictly off limits, including in external links. *Any* of the following will result in a permanent ban from the HyperSpin Forums.

  • ROM or bios links, Uploading ROMs or bios to threads, Piracy, warez. This also includes MUGEN and Fan Made games
  • Asking for or offering invites to Torrent sites
  • Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke
  • Porn, gross stuff, or anything else not safe for work
  • Posting copyrighted material
  • Soliciting, begging, auctioning
  • Racism, discrimination
  • Religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments” threads


III. The following topics regarding scammers and hard drive sellers are also off limits.

  • Requesting to buy ROMs or hard drives containing copyrighted material
  • Requesting someone to set up HyperSpin for you, especially for payment
  • Offering any of the above services
  • Linking to any hard drive sellers websites, Ebay listings or YouTube Channels


IV. No Backseat Moderating:

Let the Forum Moderators do the moderating. Backseat Moderating is when people who are not Moderators try to enforce the forum rules. Whenever you see a person breaking the rules, take advantage of the "Report this post" link. Or simply IGNORE the offensive post(s) or thread. The most common backseat reply is the "+1 in before lock" phrase. Backseat moderating is annoying, and pointless.


V. Report Post to the Moderators:

Should you observe a fellow forum member breaking these rules please report the post by clicking the "Report Post button" located to the bottom right of every post, or feel free to contact any of the Forum Staff.

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