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Main Menu Themes

25 files

  1. Flash Games Lightgun (Video Theme  Main Menu)
    9 0
  2. Killer Gorilla
    Sea Dragon

    17 0
  3. 23 0
  4. Under messui, go to the Options, Directories... tab, under Show directories; ROMs, add by clicking on Insert the folder containing your games and bios, the detection is carried out Put the tutor.zip and the tutor.xml from the ROMs subfolder tutor in the hash folder Once in game activate scroll lock (Fn and K) then press the TAB key, go to Input (this machine) and reassign the keys necessary for the smooth running of the game
    86 1
  5. Under messui, go to the Options, Directories... tab, under Show directories; ROMs, add by clicking on Insert the folder containing your games and bios, the detection is carried out Put the m5.zip and the basic-i.zip from the ROMs subfolder m5 in the hash folder Once in game activate scroll lock (Fn and K) then press the TAB key, go to Input (this machine) and reassign the keys necessary for the smooth running of the game
    10 0
  6. 109 0
  7. Use Emulator SimCoupe:
    The steps required to boot a disk on a real SAM are: 1) Press the reset button to Return to the start-up screen 2) Insert disk in floppy drive 1 3) Press F9 (or enter BOOT) to boot the disk
    The equivalent steps in SimCoupe are:
    1) Press F12 to reset the emulated SAM 2) Press F1 to browse for a disk image 3) Press Numpad-9 or type BOOT and press Enter
    81 0
  8. Main Menu NEC PC-98 (4x3)
    12 0
  9. Toshiba Pasopia Main Menu Theme
    30 0
  10. Matsushita JR 200 Main Menu Theme
    37 0
  11. 47 0
  12. Main Menu Theme Nec PC 9801

    67 0
  13. Vertical main menu. 

    54 0
  14. 130 0
  15. 159 1
  16. Thomson MO5 (Main Menu Theme)
    36 0
  17. 57 0
  18. Buenas, aquí os traigo el nuevo sistema que he estado realizando, atrás quedó la poco satisfactoria emulación de MEMU, problemas de controles, incompatibilidades, pero lo más importante, la falta de sonido en algunos juegos. Todo esto queda solucionado a través del core MAME en Retroarch, simplemente, la mejor emulación para este sistema.
    Gracias a DiegoIK por su ayuda en los artworks de la máquina.

    110 0
  19. Media realizada e inspirada en sistema subido por Floatingyeti.

    67 0
  20. Media basada en sistema Floatingyeti

    55 0
  21. Nueva media basada en sistema de Floatingyeti

    64 0
  22. Main Menu Theme
    67 0
  23. 78 0
  24. I created a matching theme for this console. Enjoy 

    61 0
  25. Heres a main menu theme I made for the RM Nimbus.
    I've used two monitor screens side by side for this theme, the reason being is that if you went to school in the UK during the late 80s and early 90s these are the computers that you were more than likely using. All lined up in a row!
    56 3
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