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Game Themes

17 files

  1. Thrill Drive 2 (thrild2) by Konami Viper
    51 0
  2. Xtrial Racing (xtrial) by Konami Viper
    50 0
  3. World Combat (wcombat) by Konami Viper
    53 0
  4. Warzaid (wcombatu) by Konami Viper
    50 0
  5. Tsurugi (tsurugi) by Konami Viper
    49 0
  6. Silent Scope: Fortune Hunter (sscopefh) by Konami Viper
    55 0
  7. Silent Scope EX (sscopex) by Konami Viper
    49 0
  8. Police 911 2 (p9112) by Konami Viper
    49 0
  9. Police 911 (p911) by Konami Viper
    51 0
  10. Mocap Boxing (mocapb) by Konami Viper
    46 0
  11. Jurassic Park 3 (jpark3) by Konami Viper
    53 0
  12. GTI Club: Corso Italiano (gticlub2) by Konami Viper
    53 0
  13. Code One Dispatch (code1d) by Konami Viper
    46 0
  14. Boxing Mania: Ashita no Joe (boxingm) by Konami Viper
    38 0
  15. Converted 149 game themes to 16:9
    If you want to download everything in one zip, the whole media pack, go here:
    There you can find more packs, Data East Classics, AAE, and more. All themes in 16:9
    Please like and subscribe, soon Namco classics is ready

    270 0
  16. 6 Game Theme Konami GX
    Pas de ma création, juste un partage.
    25 0
  17. 112 Game Theme Konami Classics
    Pas de ma création, juste un partage.
    56 0

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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