One more theme crossed off the list of missing.
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Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play) - mp_gunhe (MAME) (4:3)
Thanks to @hellsing001 for input of background and @hamurades for cleaning up the Raccoons we bring another missing theme into existence.
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This had a theme already, but the original content creator wanted me to give it a new look, so I ran with it. Thank you, @hellsing001. Enjoy the theme!
Another gap-filling theme is here!~ This arcade fighter was a prototype by Atari games, and it's actually pretty cool. Enjoy the theme
A 2 player shooter game based on Starcraft the PC game. You can choose which tribe you want to start with, and shoot your way through to a boss to fight before going next level.
Players that have played starcraft will be familiar with the structures and fighters throughout the game.
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hamurGyrodine is a basic vertical scrolling shooter. You pilot a helicopter and have to shoot as many enemies as you can.
You will fight against enemy helicopters, bunkers, tanks and fighter jets above different terrains like water, desserts and military camps.
Big thanks to @Kondorito for the rotor artwork and @hamurades for animating the helicopter.
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There was an existing theme for this great arcade fighter, but I wanted to bling it up with my own custom theme. Enjoy!
A multi-screen platform game in which one or two players (either cooperatively or competitively) control a cute penguin fighting against the game's equally cute enemies.
New 2.0 Version!!!- See version notes
Another gap filler with a theme based on an existing one, but I made some big improvements for the MAME version. ALL NEW Redrawn, recolored logo, ALL NEW animations, ALL new particle effects and ALL NEW video border! ****This is a fantastic puzzle game that needs to be in everyone's collection!
Content inside : wheel, game video and theme
2nd version of sky robot
Content inside : wheel, game video and theme
Another game without theme
Soccer Super stars (Ver EAC) - soccerss (MAME)
One more MIA theme added.
Thanks to @paco8998 for his video frame and @hamurades for help removing the watermark.
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Complete Media Packs - MAME Pirates (set 1) Theme + Video Snaphot + Wheel
Maze of Flott is a bizarre game. Not in any of the usual senses: mechanically, it's plays like an attempt at making a slightly more involved and complex version of the traditional arcade maze game, and there's nothing overtly surreal about the aesthetic either. What is bizarre is the combination of the two. You play as a little red car that drives around cities looking for keys, and avoiding/destroying other cars along the way. You also have a fuel gauge, and there are petrol stations dotted around where you can refuel, which costs money. Also, unlike the cars in Pacar (another, much older, car-themed maze game), in Maze of Flott, your car just moves like any other maze game character, being able to instantly turn 180 degrees and go in the other direction.
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Tricky Doc was produced by Tecfri in 1987. A crazy professor (the Doc) goes after monsters with a spray can.
The protagonist is a mad scientific which has lost all his genetic creations.
Of course, our mission is to catch all of them.
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I love this game, but I didn't love the theme for it, so I made my own. Enjoy! And.....
another cool game without theme
games that have never had themes
'Super Volleyball' theme created using 'Power Spikes II' theme as template , just to fill another gap and complete the volleball series!
Now, this is quite the obscure arcade game! I can picture the cabinet now...tucked away in a dark corner of the arcade! What a surprise, though....It's actually fun! Move Uncle Poo through a maze and literally fart in the direction of the enemies to kill them! All while avoiding a flood that consumes the level. I can't make this stuff up, folks! Enjoy the's actually one of my favorite themes that I've done
*features custom drawn main character, custom logo, video border and art
'Power Spikes' theme created using 'Power Spikes II' theme as template (credits to the original creator), just to fill another gap!