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Game Themes (4:3)

4,070 files

  1. Este no estaba 
  2. New 2.0 theme for this really cool Namco puzzle game.
  3. Filling in more gaps with this theme for Sky Fox!
    NEW 2.0 VERSION!  See version notes.  Enjoy
  4. My take on a theme for Namco's Valkyrie No Densetsu.  Enjoy
  5. Legend (SNES bootleg) - legendsb (MAME) (4:3)
  6. MX5000 is a scrolling shooter arcade game released by Konami in 1987.
  7. Filling in another gap with this theme for Sega's Stack Columns.  Enjoy
  8. Daikaijū no Gyakushū (大怪獣の逆襲, Great Monster Counterattack) is a shoot 'em up arcade game by Taito Corporation, released in 1986.
  9. No theme for this one, so here you go!
  10. Orbitron theme x 2 as couldn't decide which I liked the best. Slight changes to locations bewteen the two.
    Two version.
    oribitron.zip is first image
    orbitron_alt.zip - second image.
  11. Another theme based on the arcade machine.
  12. Another theme done.
  13. Re-did Hot Chase from artwork provided by THK. Looks like the arcade machine now.
    Didn't like the original one I did.
    Included new mame wheel art.
  14. Equites - vertical shooter.
    Thanks to Kondorito for cleanup of the spacecraft artwork.
  15. Jumping Cross - strange, very early racing game.
  16. Another missing theme,
    Exodus seems to be a bootleg of the game.
    Made a simple but nice looking theme.
  17. Smashing Drive is a racing video game developed and published by Gaelco and distributed by Namco.
    The game was first released in arcades in 2000 and was ported to the Nintendo Gamecube and Xbox in 2002 by Point of View and Namco. Subsequently, it has been brought to the Game Boy Advance in 2004 by DSI Games and Namco.
  18. Black Touch '96 is a single player beat 'em up video game for Arcade, published in 1996 by D.G.R.M.
    Another missing theme finally done.
  19. Another gap filled with this cool little game.  Enjoy!
  20. A one or two player fighting game published and developed by SunA in 1994
  21. Used artwork from the bezel as couldn't locate quality marquee.
    Thanks to Kondorito for the extra work on the creature.
  22. Theme TH Strikes Back
  23. Tried to do something a little different - space images and gradient backgrounds get a bit dull after a while.
    Weird game.
  24. I got this theme and redesigned it, I think now it has a different look. The original author was THK. In a couple of days I'll finish the complete pack of Neo Geo MVS (141 themes) and upload it, so you can download them all at once. Thank you.
  25. This is just a bootleg of Tumble Pop - Original done by EvilDindo.
    Have changed the logo, amended and video / colours and switched the characters around.

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