Here's a theme for a really cool fighter that definitely needed to happen! Solitary Fighter is the sequel to Violence Fight, and totally deserved a theme on the missing list. Enjoy!
I was so excited to work on a basketball theme, and luckily, Run and Gun was on my "missing themes" list!
Another obscure arcade puzzle game with no theme, so here you go!
Another hidden puzzle gem that needed a theme! Enjoy!
*This is a rather obscure puzzle game that (as far as i know) is not listed in the official MAME.xml, so if that's the case, copy and paste this into the .xml file:
<game name="lacrazyc" index="" image="">
<description>Let's Attack Crazy Cross</description>
<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable for All Ages)</rating>
DoDonPachi - Theme
Another one of those awesome arcade shooters without a I took it as a challenge! Enjoy
Trivial Pursuit (Think Tank - Genus Edition) (set 1) - triviag1 (MAME) 20170606
Trivial Pursuit (Baby Boomer Edition) (3/20/85) - triviabb (MAME) 20170605
This is a fantastic puzzle game and totally deserved a theme! Enjoy!
Didn't see this in the downloads. So I made it from artwork that somebody posted on these forums.
here is super dodge ball theme i created its not the best but its a start
i hope u enjoy it
tecmo world cup 98 emulador mame
Full custom theme for Capcom's Pnickies! Enjoy!
Cyberball (rev 4)
cyberbal - MAME
Tournament Cyberball 2072 (rev 2)
cyberbalt - MAME
This AWESOME game deserved a theme!! It took quite a long time to clean up the original image, but the result was worth it!
Custom theme for this obscure light gun arcade game
Custom theme for Namco's Knuckle Heads...complete with a painstaking re-creation of the logo. This one took quite awhile!
This one had no theme, so here you go! Enjoy
Another custom theme for a game with no theme. Filling in those gaps!
not the best but found that there was no theme for the game
Boulder Dash (DECO Cassette) (US)
cbdash - MAME
Awesome game that deserved a theme!
Custom theme for the arcade version of the classic board game! Enjoy, guys!
Another custom theme for the community. Enjoy, guys!
No theme for this one, so i made one.