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About This File

Can help you rename (match) your roms and media to Hyperspin xml, and audio your hyperspin setup.


Important: keep in mind: it's beta, and it can accidentally make something, you don't want.


- Easy setup. You just need to select Hyperspin folder, (and optionally HL or RL folder. Or just click "HL is in HS folder" button, if it's the case) That's all.
- Open source (Hyperspin Checker on github)


Renaming features:
- "Search for media in another folder" tool and autorenamer can now use crc to rename. (of course, works only with roms, including archives. No video/arts support.)
- Manual renaming (img 1.1)
- Semiautomatic renaming using regular expression (img 1.2.1, img 1.2.2)
- Automatic renaming (img 1.3)
- Editable list, of pairs of files, to rename together (.bin/.cue .mdf/.mds)
- When renaming .bin image, rename filename inside .cue file (if found in the same folder, with the same name)
- HL / RL multiple rom path support (img 1.4)
- can filter list with wildcards (img 1.5.1, img 1.5.2)
- by default files are scanned in HyperSpin / HL / RL folders, but you can specify your own path. When renaming files in custom path, you have an option to autocopy renamed files to proper directory.


Renamer Screenshots:

1.1 Manual renaming (select game in the left list and your file on the right list, and click associate)
1.2.1 Semiautomatic renaming - regular expression constructor (the filelist is automatically filtered using regexp, based on your selection on the left list. You check, that selection is right, and click associate)
1.2.2 Semiautomatic renaming using regular expression
1.3 Autorenamer
1.4 HL/RL multiple romaths support
1.5.1 filtering files with wildcards
1.5.2 filtering files with wildcards


Main screen
- NEW check for HyperLaunch / RocketLauncher default and per game media
- filter missing (img 2.1)
- filter using mame folders (img 2.2)
- direct edit HS xml in the main table (img 2.3)
- reorder games, when saving HS xml (img 2.4)
- excel export (img 2.5)
- move unused files to "unneeded" subfolder
- search for missing roms or media in other folders
- remove games, that has not been found (or filtered using "missed" filter or "mame folders" filter)
Main screen Screenshots:

2.1 Default filters
2.2 Filters based on MAME Folders
2.3 Direct edit Hyperspin XML
2.4 Reordering edited XML (choose right option, before you click "Update DB")
2.5 Excel export


CD Images check/fix
- can batch convert all your CD images to specified format (need 3rd party UltraISO software) (img 3.1.1, img 3.1.2)
- if a .cue file need to be created (e.g. .bin file with missing .cue), can autodetect image mode (sector size) (img 3.2)
- detect various ISO and GDI problems, and can fix some of them
ISO Checker Screenshots:

3.1.1 CD Image Convert
3.1.2 CD Image Convert
3.2 Autodetecting ISO sector size


System manager
- quick overview of all your systems, based on the last per system scan (img 4.1)
- optionaly filter systems (img 4.2)
- can edit hyperspin / hyperlaunch emu path and rom path, add or remove system to hyperspin main menu, create HS/HL ini settings for new system (img 4.3)
- can add new system (list generated from HL/RL modules) (img 4.4.1, img 4.4.2)
System Manager Screenshots:

4.1 System Manager main screen
4.2 System manager filters
4.3 System properties
4.4.1 Creating new system
4.4.2 Creating new system


- Hyperspin favorite / genre manager (with video preview) (img 5.1)
- If you moved your HS setup from another computer, or just from another directory, you can setup all paths with two clicks (img 5.2)
- create Hyperspin XML from folder (img 5.3)
- compare Hyperspin XMLs (img 5.4)
- create quick indexes for PCSX2 compressed ISOs (img 5.5)
- reduce MAME romset (img 5.6)
System Manager Screenshots:

5.1 Hyperspin favorite / genre manager
5.2 Setup HS/HL/RL paths
5.3 create Hyperspin XML from folder
5.4 compare Hyperspin XMLs
5.5 creating indexes for PCSX2 compressed ISOs
5.6 MAME romset reducer


Video presentation (with most of features description)
(please, forgive me my English, it was made at ~5:00am)

What's New in Version 0.11.1u2 Beta


  • 11.1u2
  • - Fixed renaming files in archives with period in filename
  • - Fixed (hopefully) rewriting .cue for a CD image being renamed in subfoldered mode.
  • 11.1u2
  • - Preliminary localization support
  • - Fixed - exclude 'default.zip' when mooving unneeded themes
  • - Add checks for per game HL/RL Media in main check (columns hided by default)
  • - Add checking for HL/RL default media in system manager
  • - Mame romset reducer now works.
  • - Added Association Tables Manager (proof of concept)
  • - Drag'n'drop to System Manager table works.
  • - Drag'n'drop on fields in System Properties form now works.
  • - Undo history view
  • 11.1
  • - Added rename by CRC in "search for media in another folder" tool and autorenamer. Works only for roms, and only with XMLs with filled crc.
  • - Most of checking/scaning/renaming processes are now asynchronous, and don't block UI thread any more.
  • Latest change log always here:
  • https://github.com/xttx/HyperspinChecker/commits/master
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  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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