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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

1 Screenshot

About This File

Nintendo 64 menus based on the unified megatheme style.


Credits to Gibbawho for the original theme and artwork, only amendment I made is changing the video border.


Artwork pack included to change the main menu logos, consoles, controllers and characters. Rename the file to the correct artwork number and dropping it into the theme\default zip will overwrite the current artwork.


Characters x6 (Banjo, Conkers, James Bond, Link, Mario Kart, Star Wars)
Consoles x1
Controllers x4 (Blue, Green, Grey, Red)
Systems Logos x1

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