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Race Drivin - racedriv-Fizen(20171210) (MAME 4:3) 1.0.0

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About This File

Race Drivin' is a driving arcade that invites players to test drive several high-powered sports cars on stunt and speed courses. The game is the sequel to 1989's Hard Drivin' and was part of a new generation of games that featured 3D polygon environments. Unlike most racing games of its time, it attempted to model real-world car physics in the simulation of the movement of the player's car. Like Hard Drivin', the game was unique among video games in that it included a true force feedback steering wheel, an ignition key, a 4-speed shifter, and 3 foot pedals (an accelerator, a brake, and a clutch (the clutch being a control seldom seen in any video game, then or now))

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