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2 Screenshots

About This File

-They are based on the base [unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum XML 4.0 or upper.
-Recommended to use: Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Module Fuse for benefit the games 128k, + 2A, Pentagon 128.  ht tps://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/16243-sinclair-zx-spectrum-module-spectaculator-fuse/

There are games that need a codesheet, which in the 80'90' years bothered the user to make a copy without permission from the company. These codessheet consist of words or set of letters forming a phrase to access a 2nd stage or to access the start of the game.

They are based on the base [Unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum XML 2.0 or upper

Artworks4 English
-Delete folder /SPA_art4/ (They are not necessary)

Artworks4 Spanish
-Manage folder /SPA_art4/ that contains in Spanish and adventures-text and trivial pursuit games, which are incomprehensible to English.


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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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