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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

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About This File

There are two modules for different emulators such as the Spectaculator and Fuse:


Fuse is ultra fast when loading, but it has hardly any support and Spectaculator is a great emulator. With these your files you can load +1480 of the mentioned games [unofficial] Sinclair ZX Spectrum Data base v5.1.

Spectaculator work all, except these:
-Final fight, Street Fighter II, Strider II: 
There is to give to play in speculator (impossible with fullscreen). And in FUSE goes fine.
-Rally Cross Simulator (Europe). Only loads in fuse.
-Skyfox, Star Raiders II. Works on fuse because it detects cursors like joystick.
-Guillermo Tell, Mike Gunner, Target Plus. 
There is no emulator that emulates the Gun Stick.

This version is based on the official v2.03 of the rocket launcher team. I have edited the "c" version, added for systems + 2A and Pentagon 128, as well as the .ini update (without the .ini the games 128k, + 2A, Pentagon 128 will not work).



Hello, I updated the module so it can be used in the latest version 1.5.6. This version is based on the official v1.0.1 of the rocket launcher team.
I have edited the "b" version, added for systems 128k, 128plus2A, +3. Although there is no FUSE support for fullscreen. Maybe someone knows how to add stretch to screen.

I use FUSE vs SPECTACULATOR 8.0 a lot and these are my comparisons:

-Fuse is better adapted to WIN10 so that is ultra fast when loading in RL/HS.
-Spectaculator8.0 is older but work in WIN10 so that is ultra slow when loading in RL/HS.
-Fuse does not have fullscreen yet.
-Fuse is free.
-Spectaculator8.0 in x months if you do not have a license will ask you again.
-Spectaculator8.0 works all the games/models except these:
Final fight, Street Fighter II, Strider II: Give to PLAY in Spectaculator (impossible with fullscreen). In FUSE goes fine.
Rally Cross Simulator (Europe). Only loads in fuse.
Skyfox, Star Raiders II. Works on FUSE because it detects cursors like joystick.
Guillermo Tell, Mike Gunner, Target Plus. There is no emulator that emulates the Gun Stick.
-Fuse models in this module:
Work: 48k, 128k, 128plus2A, +3
Not work: Pentagon 128, MicroDrive, Currah µSpeech, SpecialRom as Shadow of the Unicorn (but 100% in SPEC 8.0)

Notes: I recommend using the FUSE in RL/HS although it has less compatibility, because at some point of time popup will
appear that you have exceeded your test time in SPEC 8.0 and also the FUSE is free and someday will have fullscreen and it will come
closer to Spectaculator in regarding compatibility.

Each one who chooses the one that more he likes,

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