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About This File

Game Theme - Storm Racer Gravity - (16:9)
Sistema: Sega Ring - Hardware Namco ES3 ( Emulador: Teknoparrot )
Tema do Jogo + 3x Wheels + Video do Jogo + Screenshot
Nome do arquivo: Storm Racer Gravity by leonardombn.zip

*Game Theme - Créditos: Leonardombn e hamurades
Agradecimentos: Ao amigo hamurades pela ajuda na criação do tema do jogo.
*Game Wheel Circular Opcional - Créditos: POOTERMAN

Canal do Youtube: PlayClassics BR:
Grupo do Facebook: Hyperspin Owner


Game Theme - Storm Racer Gravity - (16:9)
System: Sega Ring - Hardware Namco ES3 ( Emulator: Teknoparrot )
Game Theme + 3x Wheels + Game Video + Screenshot
File name: Storm Racer Gravity by leonardombn.zip

*Game Theme - Crédits: Leonardombn and hamurades
Thanks: To friend hamurades for help in creating the game theme.
*Game Wheel Circular Optional - Crédits: POOTERMAN

Youtube Channel: PlayClassics BR
Facebook Group: Hyperspin Owner

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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