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Hyper NeoGeo 64 Media Pack 1.0.0

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About This File

Hi, Here is all my media for Hyper NeoGeo 64.


I created the 'carts' and I edited the videos. Videos are not best quality, as I got them from youtube I could not record them myself as emulation for this system is still preliminary. Games are playable but with many graphical and audio issues. I did not create the themes, I only altered them.


I am having issues launching these games from Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher. What happens is, MAME will start up and load up the rom but then closes and it fades back to Hyperspin. I can run the games fine if I launch them straight from MAME. Also I never had issues launching from other wheels that use MAME. So if anyone can help with this please comment.


Emulator used is MAME

Games: 7




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