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About This File

A utility designed for simple ROM matching against HyperSpin databases.




Okay, I'm back again this time with a brand new invention (no not a play on Vanilla Ice) that might help my fellow gamers setup their HyperSpin ROMS more efficiently. Now for those of you whom don't know me my name is Ronald or "rain" here on the forums and I am a computer software designer whom programs applications designed mostly for video gaming. I have tried a lot of the other systems out there and I am not sure about you guys but I personally don't feel safe using bulk renamers (as they tend to do more harm than good, and promote an all around sense of laziness.) So, I rebuilt an application that I orignally programmed back in 2010 that help me setup my HyperSpin setup (consisting of over 92 seperate systems) HyperMatch allows you to audit your systems individually to find missing ROM files (as they pertain to the HyperSpin databases), it then allows you to run a fuzzy match on the missing file, and then you can either remove the missing game from you HyperSpin database, rename a file or disregard it all together. I have used this program for a few years now, but just now got around to coding it for HyperSpin 2.0 databases.


Setting Up HyperMatch:


HyperMatch must be ran from the HyperSpin root folder (as it reads your database & settings files), so whenever you download the application make sure you unzip it to the correct folder otherwise HyperMatch will not work.



The User Interface:


Whenever you first open HyperMatch you will see a basic window that displays a list of the systems it has detected were in your HyperSpin installation, from this interface you can scan a system, rename ROM files, delete missing ROM files from your system database. (see fig 1)


Using the drop down menu you should then select a system in which you would like to audit, once you have done so you will then click on the button labeled 'Audit System.' After a few moments (depending upon the size of your database) you will then see a list of missing ROM files appear in the top window. (see fig 2)


Once your missing ROM files list has been populated you can then click on an item and choose which action you wish to perform on the file such as Fuzzy Match or Remove From Database. If you would like to run a name search on the missing file you can than set the Fuzzy Match tolerance to a desired percentile (I personally use 0.4), and then click the button labeled 'Fuzzy Match.' After which your ROM folder is scanned for a list of potential ROM's that might be misnamed. (see fig 3)


Once the list of potential matches has been populated you can then click on the ROM name from the bottom list and select the button labeled 'Rename Selected.' Once you have done so you will then be asked for confirmation, provided you choose yes than the file will be renamed to the new database compliant name. (see fig 4 & 5)


The same process as above is used whenever removing files from a HyperSpin database.



A Word of Caution:


HyperMatch was not designed to handle MAME renaming, please do not use this tool in attempt to make your MAME database compliant, there are much better tools suited for that such as ClrMamePro. Using this application on MAME will 100% screw it up, so never, ever do it!

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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