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Problem with RetroArch MESS


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After spending weeks and weeks and trawling through lots of threads I still cant get MESS working through RetroArch.

I have the MESS ROMS in the RetroArch System Folder and have set HyperLaunchHQ to point at them.

When I try and load a rom RetroArch just stops at the Config Screen as shown in the attached picture. The roms do not load when using RetroArch directly, outside of HS either. To be more specific, it is Intellivision and Magnavox Odyssey 2 roms that I am trying to run.

Any help would be most appreciated. I can provide further info if needed.

Kind regards


Update. I've just read another thread where a lot of people are having trouble with RA and MESS. Just gunna read through that. See if it helps.



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