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Hyperspin ignore my settings.ini file :(


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I can modify HyperSpin/Settings/Settings.ini either in notepad or through HyperHQ.  Unfortunately Hyperspin doesnt appear to be using this settings file.  I cant get Hyperspin to run in fullscreen.  I followed all the instructions from this video:


Any idea what could be wrong?  This is all fresh installs and I followed the instructions carefully.


This is kind of a workaround but have you tried unchecking FullScreen in HyperHQ and setting the Windowed Resolution to the resolution of your screen to mimic a fullscreen effect?


I tried all sorts of combos of fullscreen/windowed with different resolutions... no matter what I do Hyperspin seems to be ignoring the settings file... as I said I even deleted it and Hyperspin ran the same.


Problem seems to be solved!!  I had my stuff in C:\Phil\Hyperspin\Hyperspin... I copied it to C:\Hyperpsin and now it works.  Hyperspin is using the settings from C:\Hyperpsin\Settings\settings.ini.  I'm really surprised that worked but it did!  Thanks to everyone who tried to help me out.


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