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Ah Nuts, dead screen, need replacement ideas. :(


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I've been collecting parts for my build for longer than I'd like to admit, life kept getting in the way.


Original design was for a 46" screen directly mounted into a widebody Judge Dredd cab.  Because "life" I've had to move a few times, and I finally have a workspace and started again.  Got the basics set up and this happened:




Original model was a 46" Samsung: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/UN46EH6000FXZA


It seems looking around that the options are limited for 46" LED tvs, most are 43" or 50".  I could go with a 43" screen and sink it down into the playfield and get some glass I suppose.  I'm looking for suggestions on a good screen to replace this one.  I really don't want to spend 1200 dollars for the new model 46" Samsung.

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