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Trouble with Hyperspin 1.4 and Groovymame, vmmaker, switching resolutions [Solved]


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I am running Hyperspin 1.4 , Windows 7 , and I have a 27 inch Tri-Sync Arcade Monitor. I am having  trouble getting Hyperspin and Groovymame to  working properly in Hyperspin.  When I run Groobymame outside of Hyperpsin resolutions that were created using vmmaker work properly, But when I run Hyperspin , the resolutions don't change it stays at 640X480 , I am using Hyperlaunch for MAME. What I don't see when I am running GroovyMame in Hyperpsin is the Switch res down at the bottom of Game Information so , I am stuck . Does the Mame.XML and Mame.ini created by vmmaker need to be placed inside Databases in Hyperspin?  Im stuck. 





My Hyperspin was not pointing to GroovyMame it was pointing to my other version of Mame in Hyperspin only, That is what was so confusing , it worked in GroovyMame outside of Hyperspin , and it worked in rlauncher as well. Wheew , This was a such a problem for me now it Works!


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