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DEMUL (This may help someone else if they have the same problem)


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I had a few versions of DEMUL and I kept getting a error! Failed create textureFormat


The other day when I was looking for some Atomiswave stuff... I found a copy of DEMUL .57 and again I got the same error but this version had the pluggins gpuDXLegacy.dll & gpuDXv3.dll so I tried one and come to find out they both worked. gpuDX11.dll and 10 that I used on previous versions both gave errors.


Next problem was DEMUL kept going back to gpuDX11.dll even when I manually edited the .ini file... so I just deleted gpuDX11.dll and copied/renamed gpuDXv3.dll to gpuDX11.dll and DEMUL works fine now.


This was a pain in the ass searching for solutions I found that other's were having the same issue with DEMUL.... 


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