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Hypersync won't run in Windows 10 N


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I have Windows 10 N (doesn't come with Windows Media Player)   I have done so much research with no sucesss.  I installed the Windows 10 Windows Media Player feature pack and still no success. Since HyperSync requires windows media player, I am unable to run the application, it freezes at Verifying Windows Media Player 1.0000. Has anyone had a similar issue with success?


Any help is much appreciated.



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Hey Circo, 


Thanks for the reply, unfortunately I tried that and it didn't solve my issue but on the other hand I found the issue.   Microsoft released another pack that superseded the one you provide as there were bugs in that release.  I hope this helps somebody else, here is the link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49919


Hope it helps, thanks again Circo, back to hyperspining.

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