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EmuMovies- New Atari 5200 RocketLauncher Artwork Pack


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Just released a new RocketLauncher artwork pack for the Atari 5200. This pack supports 72 games and includes to following artwork types:

  • 2D Box
  • 2D Box Back
  • 2D Box Spine
  • 2D Cartridge
  • 3D Box
  • Controller Overlay
  • Gameplay Snap
  • Title Snap

This pack can be downloaded from our Download Section and FTP File Server.


Technical Specs


Games Supported: 72
File Format: PNG
Naming Convention: No-Intro / HyperBase


About RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is not just a launch solution. RocketLauncher is an abstraction layer that ultimately sets the standard in emulators and standardizes key mapping commands. HyperPause is the dream of any emulator menu. The modules break the barriers of compatibility. Rom Mapping solved the lives of collectors. RocketLauncher is definitely the last word in matters of emulators. The choice of Front End has become a matter of mere affinity for design. And besides, you are not forced to follow a single solution, like MESS, you keep using your favorite emulator.





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