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problem with stuttering sound in mess when in hyperspin?


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hey all, thank you for the help. Im in a odd predicament. I recently salvaged an old pc to see if it will run hyperspin. Turns out, it runs great, except with some issues regarding sound and video out puts. So.. The pc has onboard vga out only. When that is connected to a regular vga monitor, i get near flawless use with hyperspin. Problem is i need hdmi out. So i had a janky little video card, a nvidia ion pegatron. But i noticed, when using the video card, it makes systems like NES, SNES, GENESIS and Turbo grafx have TERRIBLE sound stuttering and doubling up. These are all ran in mess BTW. So i went and ordered a cheap but well reviewed vga to hdmi adapter which carries video and sound. Works great! except, yup, those systems have terrible sound stuttering. SO, i went ahead and played around and found that when i run a game in mess outside of hyperspin, the sound is fine! Only when launching mess through hyperspin do i get the sound issue. To back that up, just now i noticed as i was testing different variables, and i went to launch an snes game, i guess just by accidentally exiting, entering and such too fast,  i kind of out-ran hyperspin, and the snes game was launched by hyperspin but in its own windows, not integrated into hyperspin with the bezel, and the sound was fine! so it seems somewhere between hyperspin launching mess and making it full screen with the bezel, its causing an issue? Still have no idea why it only happens with the video card and adapter? this doesnt make sense to me. theres so many odd variables at hand. So heres my little summary with questions


vga out to vga monitor- everything works fine

video card or vga to hdmi adapter- horrible stuttering sound when launching mess through hyperspin. Sound is fine in mess outside of hyperspin


The problem is closely pinpointed to hyperspin launching mess into full screen/integrated with the bezel and such



--why would the video adapter cause issues? assuming the pc just has to put out the vga signal and let the adapter to the rest. this is the one i bought http://www.amazon.com/FineSource-Output-Converter-Adapter-Projector/dp/B013EQV5XC?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00


-- what settings should i be looking at that could be causing this? 


please let me know if i can provide any info or files to check out. 


thank you for any help. Im THIIIISSS close to having my arcade machine up and running.. and i would really like to be able to enjoy these home console games.





im going to check that now.. but i now noticed that some games still do sound stutter outside of hyperspin :(


heres the gist of it.. old cheap pc, trying to make it work, but ive been down that hole before so its getting minimum effort from me.. upgraded processor for a few bucks, jacked up the ram. Now that i notice some games still stutter outside of hyperspin, my main question is.. why does everything work fine going vga to vga monitor.. but the adapter doesnt? I can understand the video card hurting the sound as it draws from the pc, but the adapter id assume handles all the work while the pc simply puts out the vga signal. 


i just need a damn hdmi out put :( and it seems every option somehow ends up giving me sound issues. wtf. 


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