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More weird issues and some functionality help


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Hello. First off, thank you support forum for fast help that actually works! You guys rock. Hopefully I can repay it someday when I'm more knowledgeable in Hyperspin. For now though I am still struggling somewhat. I come before you with another lovely post about some strange issues and more "where is this feature if it event exists?" questions.


1 HyperHQ crashes immediately or very shortly after I try to direct a wheel to a rom path. It's been doing this for days now...


2 Can I set the rompaths used inside of Rocketlauncher to be used by HyperHQ automatically or am I required to manually set both of them?


3 How would I add a blank space onto the main menu wheel?


4 Could I get a XML file of a consoles exclusive games, cross-reference that with a complete game-set XML, run it in a rom renamer program and have all the multi-platforms removed? Basically, XML files of solely the console's exclusives (if these exist somewhere) and removing anything that isn't on that list. A complete console set with the exclusives whitelisted from being deleted.


5 I turned off "Wheel Game Sounds" in HyperHQ for the Gameboy Advance however they are still present? I don't have this issue for any other system that I've noticed (although I don't constantly check all 36 wheels)


6 Branching off a bit from question 5, can I universally turn off "Wheel Game Sounds" for all systems and future systems? Or better yet could I change settings globally across all already added systems and new ones?


7 Is there a way to disable the animation of the wheel pointer moving when I select a new system?


8 How do you organize your systems? I can't decide whether I should go by console generation, the same company together, how often I use them, or in the order of their release.


Thank you all again for your help!


Here we go!


1. This is a known issue with HyperHQ on Windows 10. You'll have to manually set the rom path for systems in their ini files located in the HyperSpin/Settings folder.


2. They're 2 separate programs so they each need to be set separately. However, you only need to set the paths in HyperHQ if you're using the Roms Only filter for that system or you're using some of the 3rd party apps that require it to be set such as Don's Tools.


3. Not really sure what you mean here.


4.Yes, but it would take some work. You would have to find/create a list of the exclusives then remove them from the xml manually or use something like Don's tools, but I think you would still have to select which ones to include.


5. Double check your GBA ini file to make sure that the game_sounds option is indeed set to false in the [sounds] section.


6. Unfortunately, not that I'm aware of.


7. Yes, but you have to do it for each wheel because of #6. In HyperHQ select a wheel and on the Wheel tab uncheck the Animated checkbox under Pointer on the right side.


8. This is purely preference. Some people organize them alphabetically, by release year, by abc for manufacturers then release year for the consoles, etc. Some people (myself included) also have multiple Main Menu xml files so you can switch them out when you want to change it up.





by 3 I mean when scrolling through systems a blank empty space that you could select it but nothing would appear. A empty divider. Space holder.


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