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In Mess 159 Is there a way to auto-hide the in-game menu bar so you don't have to hide manually every time?


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  • 1 month later...

As the title says. I can change to hidden but next time its back.


Any ideas?




mess and mame joined together so get latest mame 175 and romset the same then make ini  for mame by reading this post http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/26573-no-ini-file-in-precompiled-mame174-64bits/#entry244537 then open ini with notepad or notepad++ then go down to window video options go to menu change the 1 to 0  its a toggle 1 is on and 0 is off i assume works same in mess for ini prolly mess64 -cc and 32bit mess -cc happy hyperspinning


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