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MAME 174 + Cpwizard


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Hi. I just want to know if the cpwizard autodetect mame function works with mame 174 64 bits. I cant for my life make it work. If I use command line I can launch cpwizard but it doesn't detect mame and the activate key doesn't work either

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 520 using Tapatalk


Just to let you guys know... I jsut give up to CPWizard to automatically detect MAME, heck I can't even use the show button to display CPWizard menu.


I can never make the Sub Layout work in my seccond screen, never... it don't shows up.


So I end up using rocketlauncher to dysplay CPWizard main layout in my seccond monitor using command line, it stais there all the time a game is runnig with just the controll mapping. I can add more stuff to that layout but is good for now.


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