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HyperSpin videos/Artwork doesn't display on non-refreshed themes


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Hey everyone,


My problem is that videos or artwork don't seem to display when themes don't get refreshed. So all the main menu videos work because all the themes get refreshed when flicking through them. When i enter a system and the theme changes for that system to show video and artwork, but it will only show it for the first game. Flicking to the next game that uses the default theme will not display any video or artwork. If the game uses a custom theme then it requires a refresh and changes, showing the video and artwork. In other words it only displays video and artworks on themes that are refreshed. 


I turned on 'refresh Background' setting in HyperHQ so it always refreshes them and that seems to be a temporary solution, but i dont feels its right having to refresh it every time. 


Not too long ago I updated to HyperSpin 1.4 (r15) and latest Rocketlauncher and all seemed fine. It was showing the video and artwork... 



Related info?:

About half a week ago, Hyperspin was only displaying green videos if any at all. I looked into it and came across potential fixes such as right clicking videos and disabling hardware acceleration, but it was only showing HTML5 info. I decided to update my AMD drivers as im running a dedicated GPU (AMD Radeon R7 200 series) and that fixed the green video problem but then this seemed to happen.


Running Windows 8 64-bit (not 8.1.)


Thanks in advanced. 


I was an idiot and didnt check under the support section properly to see if there was someone with a previous issue before posting a thread, and i do apologize  :(. The thread about this issue  provides the temporary solution but I an interested to know if there is another solution to the problem rather than the reload backgrounds. I would like to figure out what caused the issue in the first place.


I believe I have found what was causing my problem. The setting 'Themes Wait For Special' in HyperHQ was enabled during the it started to happen. After turning it off, and resetting Hyperspin, Videos and box art refresh properly without having to enable 'Reload Background'.


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