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How to use HyperSync to get covers for WiiFlow


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I don't know if any of you have heard of a Loader app for the Wii called WiiFlow but it is kinda like HyperSpin in the way how it displays and launches your games.  You can read up on it here if you'd like (https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-an-open-source-gui-usb-loader.204106/).  But not only can you play Wii and GameCube games through it but you can also set it up to launch roms for older systems and select them by their box covers.  Unfortunately WiiFlow will not download these covers for you.  Well thankfully someone created a pack that you could download all those covers and all you would have to do is put the roms and the box covers in the correct places and have their names match exactly and everything works.  You can read about this pack here (https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-4-the-masterpiece-pack-by-abz.336543/).  I already have my roms named for HyperSpin so all I need now are the box covers.  There is a post where I could download them all here (https://gbatemp.net/threads/cover-collections-for-emulators-with-cover-support.324714/) but the covers need to match rom names (including file extension) and those covers aren't named like that.  You can read about how they are supposed to be named here (https://sites.google.com/site/wiiflowiki4/plugins-setup).  They do recommend using a program called Fuzzy Renamer which works rather well.  However it doesn't catch all games and covers 100%.  So I have some wrong covers being displayed for my games.  I have way too many games to be going through 1 by 1 looking for which ones are correct and which ones are wrong.  So I was wondering if it was possible for me to use HyperSync to have it download those same covers and properly rename them to what I need.  Even if it didn't add the file extension in the cover name, at least it would be close enough where I think Fuzzy Renamer would be able to fix everything.  Does anyone know if this is possible and does anyone have any experience doing something like this with WiiFlow?  Thank you.



Edit:  I added some info to my post above to hopefully make it more clear on what I am trying to do.

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I don't know if any of you have heard of a Loader app for the Wii called WiiFlow but it is kinda like HyperSpin in the way how it displays and launches your games. You can read up on it here if you'd like (https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-an-open-source-gui-usb-loader.204106/). Well someone created a pack that you could download and all you would have to do is put the roms and the box covers in the correct places and everything works. You can read about this pack here (https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-4-the-masterpiece-pack-by-abz.336543/). I already have my roms named for HyperSpin so all I need now are the box covers. There is a post where I could download them all here (https://gbatemp.net/threads/cover-collections-for-emulators-with-cover-support.324714/) but the covers need to match rom names (including file extension) and those covers aren't named like that. You can read about how they are supposed to be named here (https://sites.google.com/site/wiiflowiki4/plugins-setup). They do recommend using a program called Fuzzy Renamer which works rather well. However it doesn't catch all games and covers 100%. So I have some wrong covers being displayed for my games. I have way too many games to be going through 1 by 1 looking for which ones are correct and which ones are wrong. So I was wondering if it was possible for me to use HyperSync to have it download those same covers and properly rename them to what I need. Even if it didn't add the file extension in the cover name, at least it would be close enough where I think Fuzzy Renamer would be able to fix everything. Does anyone know if this is possible and does anyone have any experience doing something like this with WiiFlow? Thank you.

Don't think there are any Wii covers on hypersync yet - or otherwise it would be a good solution.

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Doesn't wiiflow auto Download the covers from its own database using the disc Id? It shouldn't even matter what you name them since the ID is in the ISO. I'm a little confused by all of this. You shouldn't have to use any software to get the covers other than Wii flow.

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Sorry, I may not have been clear.  I have all the covers for Wii and GameCube.  The loader does download them for you.  However, you can also have WiiFlow display box covers for old systems like Nintendo, Super Nintendo, etc.  You can check out this video here to see what I want (

).  The loader does not download those covers for you.  But someone did provide all the covers for you to download in one of the posts I linked to in my previous post.  But like I said, I'd have to rename them all in order for them to work and Fuzzy Renamer isn't 100% perfect.  I know in the credits section of that covers thread they mention they got a lot of those covers from HyperSpin which is why I was wondering if I could use HyperSync to help me out.  Please look at the links I posted in my previous post if you didn't already. I did that so I didn't have to fully explain everything and make that post bigger than it needed to be.  Thanks.
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