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Analog Sticks on an 8way joystick


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Hey all. Something that i have been wrestling with for some time now is what games to add from different systems.


Of course everything 8-bit and down is good to go ( for the most part  :thumbsup:  ), but the 32-bit era is my question. The analog stick really screws up a lot of games when mapping it to a 8-way. I find myself looking for games were you can use either the D-pad or the analog stick for movement ). That usually involves getting the game and playing it since there is no place that I've found that has that information available for you. So the thing is, sometimes a game will work regardless, most times it will not. 


So my question is...has anyone had any luck with configurations that work for this issue? Im not looking for first person shooters of course, but other games like: San Francisco Rush, Metal Gear on the PS, Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast, etc. 


Any advice or solutions you have come up with are welcome :thanks: !!!!

:thefinger:I do my fighting in the real world, In a sanctioned cage or ring, not online tough guys:eviltongue:

Gracie Trained.

Purple Belt

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