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A newbie Struggling to get started (controller causing me problems)


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Sorry if this is basic but how the hell do you get bloody started with it! I'm trying to set up a xbox one controller but really struggling (it's USB wired) and a 5TB configured drive. Really driving me up the wall to be honest!


Sorry if this is basic but how the hell do you get bloody started with it! I'm trying to set up a xbox one controller but really struggling (it's USB wired) and a 5TB configured drive. Really driving me up the wall to be honest!



We don't support preconfigured drives here - you need to contact whoever you bought it from.  HyperSpin is community supported free software - and these guys profit from our work.


If you get no help with the guy you bought it from, you MAY get some help here, if you post more details of your problem.  Contact the seller first though.


Not very nice. All i'm asking for is help with my controller do you need to be that harsh to me?




Beware of Scams
Lately people have been selling hard drives or services with HyperSpin on it. We advise against buying these as HyperSpin is free but only distributed through this site. Do not trust from another source. Also while we are always trying to streamline the experience transferring someones setup doesnt always work out too well. We have been inundated with complaints that people got ripped off by HyperSpin because these sites claim to be us or affiliated with us. Only trust HyperSpin from HyperSpin-Fe.com

Not very nice. All i'm asking for is help with my controller do you need to be that harsh to me?


don't take it personal because the person wasn't trying to be mean to you but the reality is you have a pre-configured drive that was purchased from someone that basically ripped you off! if anyone was being harsh to you it was the person that sold you that pre-configured drive. now with that said it could be a easy answer but most likely it's not going to be a easy answer... the drive wasn't configured for your controller which means each emulator would have to be configured as well as hyperspin.


I get your situation - it's frustrating when you buy something that doesn't work - it's completely understandable.

But it's also fair that you understand that we didn't sell you this drive - everything we do is free and that's how it's intended to be.

We will help, but it's more than fair to ask you to contact the seller of the drive first and try the solve the issues that way. If that doesn't work out, no one will leave you hanging.

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You know guys, I have only been in the forums for a small amount of time here. But I have spent hours upon hours over the years to do my research in getting HS to work with RL , emulators, and my games. And these so called preconfigured drive sellers are really, really ... Really make me disgusted with how they keep selling these poor unbeknownst people these clunky lemon filled drives. It's like they hand a teenager who just learned how to drive the keys to a race car without brakes and tell them not to wreck it. This makes me highly irritated.


You know guys, I have only been in the forums for a small amount of time here. But I have spent hours upon hours over the years to do my research in getting HS to work with RL , emulators, and my games. And these so called preconfigured drive sellers are really, really ... Really make me disgusted with how they keep selling these poor unbeknownst people these clunky lemon filled drives. It's like they hand a teenager who just learned how to drive the keys to a race car without brakes and tell them not to wreck it. This makes me highly irritated.

I have been helping a couple of people with their cocktail cabs, and it's the same thing over and over again. I sympathize with their frustration, yet this seems entirely unfair to everyone. They are upset, we get frustrated, and the sellers just get rich...

I will stop rambling now and get off of my soapbox, but I just had to get that off of my chest.


The thing that most people dislike is some of these people come to the forums and assume this is customer service and some get attitudes if they feel they aren't helped because they've spent money on these drives but none of us including the people actually running hyperspin are selling these drives to these people.


I definitely understand their pain and for the most part we do try to help people even if some of us get tired of seeing them come here asking for help.


The sellers of these drives are only out to make money they don't care about the buyers and the thing that sucks for the buyer is the emulation world and hyperspin are always growing and things become outdated pretty fast...and obviously these people aren't keeping up with every single emulator... especially the 5tb drives.. thats just 5tb of crap at the end of the day.. I doubt these people even test every single emulator.


the only pre-configured system worth anything is a cab or a laptop that's already setup... or a drive that only has mame because mame doesn't require too much going on other than having the correct rom set.


hell the other day I added a new controller to my own hyperspin setup that I started from the ground up and just changing a few things around with xpadder was a pain in the butt and I actually knew what I was doing... these folks that don't have a clue whats going on under the hood of hyperspin and rl are really in for it when they get those pre-configured drives.


The truly sad part is everything they paid for can be found for FREE... either pre-configured (if only sets with emulators and wheel packs/media) somewhat or by starting from scratch.


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