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Hi I'm Junior and im a Twitch Streamer (Twitch.tv/JuniorGamingTime)


I'm building an Arcade Machine for my twitch channel (Sponsored by Gameroomdesigns.ca)


He'll be shipping everything hopefully Monday, in the mean time im working on the Hyperspin setup.

Right now i need help with DeSmuME (DeSmuME_r5561_x64)

The question is:

     - Is it possible to move the 2 screens to opposite corners (i have them horizontal) (Top Left & Bottom Right)

     - Also how to add a Background (Not a bezel)


I'll be streaming the build as soon as i get the parts, and take a few picture to post here <3

I currently have these emulators running

  - Dolphin (Wii and GameCube)

  - Cemu 1.6.1 (Wii U)

  - Game Boy Advance

  - SNES

  - N64

  - Citra 3DS (Working progress)

  - Nintendo DS (Runs perfect, just wanna make it look nice)


This is also my first post EVER, but im really liking these forums <3

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OK here are some updates to the Build

- Started building the main cabinet and added the inner vynel



after that i installed the monitor as im waiting for buttons, T-molding and a few other things




i'll be doing the rest of the installation live on my Twitch channel Twitch.tv/JuniorGamingTime

(Latest it'll be here SHOULD be Friday :3 )




Arcade Specs:

My old gaming PC

 - i7 4790K (H100i Cooler)

 - 16GB of Ram

 - GTX Asus 770 2GB 

SSD for boot and 1TB Games drive **4TB later ;)**


Sponsored by gameroomdesigns.ca/  <3

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Well i got a little to inpatient with waiting for the parts and the Mounting stuff that i took apart a Old PC Case and worked amazingly




I also added the Side vynel to be a step closer to finishing.




Also added the old PC Case feet :P 



Hope you guys are liking the build, ill be finishing the build on my Twitch Stream twitch.tv/juniorgamingtime Hopefully on friday night


And thanks again to Rick from GameRoomDesigns


Sponsored by gameroomdesigns.ca/  <3

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