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What exactly?


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Thanks for the reply!

Yes, i know it grabs wheel images, system/game themes, cart and box art, etc

But what i mean is, i dowloaded a video pack for Commodore 64 with about 850 videos in it, but i got about 8000 games in my database xml

So what im asking is will Hypersync find the rest, or are the 850 simply all there is so far? 

If that makes sense ; )

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15 minutes ago, Naches said:

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, i know it grabs wheel images, system/game themes, cart and box art, etc

But what i mean is, i dowloaded a video pack for Commodore 64 with about 850 videos in it, but i got about 8000 games in my database xml

So what im asking is will Hypersync find the rest, or are the 850 simply all there is so far? 

If that makes sense ; )

Ah, I see. There were that many Commodore 64 titles? I had no idea.

At any rate, I'm not at home right now and can't check the FTP. I'll try to take a look later tonight.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ahh ok... well in that case i guess it would be a waste of money for me..
Ive downloaded so much media that hypersync would have minimal to offer...
Thanks for the reply

Actually it can pull all HD videos and artwork. So that's the difference. Add long as your OK with what you have, then you are good.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

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