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MAME letters


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Hi everyone and I hope someone can help me.....Installed MAME in hyperspin but when I try and and jump to a letter theres a few missing. i.e from A it jumps to D even know the letters are in the media wheel in the main menu. So far i've noticed 10 letter jumps. B,C,G,K,L,P,T,X,Y and Z. AGGGGH


Yeah Agent 47 we've been though this before but now I have rom set 181 database 181 MAME emulator 181 and the fist game off each letter in the database as the letter. I'm thinking it's a problem with Hypersync.


When I delete the letters out of Hypersync and run Hypersync and tell it just to install the letters it always says there there even know they are not+


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