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Mame Graphical Interface displays instead of launcing the game!


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OK, I guess it something small that I am missing, but whenever I select a Mame game either in Hyperspin, or in Rocket Launcher, the darn GUI from MAME listing all of the Mame games shows up!  This wasn't always happening, but I am noticing it much more now since I upgraded from MAME 168 to 172, and now 178.  Is there a setting either in the MAME INI or HyperlauchUI that will disable the MAME's  GUI and just launch the darn game???  FWIW, I downloaded my MAME64 programs from this site that has no-nag.



Still having the issue as I have not yet figured this thing out!  However, on this system (cabinet) I also installed Launchbox/ Bigbox as an alternative because I was having these sorts of weird issues with Hyperspin---which in the past turned out to be due to Windows 10.  I have switched back to Windows 7 resolving most of my problems with Hyperspin and lately, I have been focusing more on Hyperspin since I prefer its features over Launchbox, even though Launchbox was working without issue on my system before I just stopped playing with it. 

This particular "new" problem with Hyperspin launching the MAME GUI instead of just launching the game has gotten a bit more difficult to explain:  For the purpose of seamlessly being able to switch between front ends, I also set Launchbox through the same Rocketlauncher that I had set Hyperspin up through.  LaunchBox's "Arcade" system is essentially identical to "MAME" system on Hyperspin.  They were both setup to use MAME as the emulator, and I mirrored the "Arcade" setup in Launchbox to reflect the identical set up for "MAME" system in Hyperspin with one notible exception: It appears that RocketLauncher by default assigns both the MAME.ahk module and the Retroarch.ahk module to the MAME emulator, whereas I was able to assign only MAME.ahk as a module for the MAME emulator for the "Arcade" system.  With that said, if I select a MAME game in Hyperspin, I get the MAME GUI with the list of games as I mentioned in my earlier post.  However, if I select a MAME game in Launchbox or Bigbox, the game boots up no problem and does not go to the MAME internal GUI.  This tells me that the issue is not with the MAME emulator, and probably not RocketLauncher (since both go through the same MAME emulator in RL).  That only leaves either Hyperspin, the fact that Retroarch module is by default assigned to MAME wheel in Rocket launcher, or the HyperlaunchHQ settings.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


Thanks in advanced! 


You are correct...I meant HyperHQ, I no longer have Hyperlauncher in the folder.  Now for an update: 

I opened up the RocketLauncher/settings folder, and I looked to compare the configuration files between the "MAME" system in Hyperspin (HS) and the "Arcade" folder in Launchbox (LB).  On initial inspection, everything looked the same between the two folders with the same number of ini. (config) files (6): Bezel, Emulators, Games, Pause, Plugins, and Rocketlauncher.  Before I did anything, I first tested the system by launching HS and selecting a MAME game.  AS expected, the MAME emulator internal GUI showed up.  Next, I removed all 6 of the ini files from the "MAME" system and placed them in a folder on my desktop for safe keeping.  Next, I copied the 6 config files from the "Arcade" folder, and pasted them into the "MAME" folder.  I restarted HS, and Lo-and-behold, the game launched---no problems!:dance:I selected several other MAME games, and all launched no problem too!  I then deleted the newly replaced config files from the MAME folder, and replaced them with the original files I transferred to the folder on my desktop.  Started HS, selected the same MAME rom that had just worked seconds ago, and wham---MAME internal GUI once again. So now, I am like WTF???? I thought both systems were set up Identically!:unknown:

Now, I am curious, so I opened both system's folders and opened each config file one at a time and positioned them side-by-side on my desktop to compare each config file line-by-line.  All of the config file settings were about 99% the same except the following:

[Bezel config file]

1) there was a line for Bezel_Delay=use_global that was in the MAME file, but not in the Arcade file

[Pause config file]

*under the "Main menu appearance options"

1) there was a line for Main_Menu_Labels=use_global that was in the Arcade file, but absent in the Mame file

*under the "submenu appearance options"

1) There were lines: Help_Right_Margin=use_global and Help_Bottom_Margin=use_global in the Arcade file that were absent in the Mame file

[Plugins config file]

1) Hyperspin (Mame system) had had the following settings there were absent from the Launchbox (Arcade) file





[RocketLauncher config file]

1) The following settings were different (though I believe I changed these last night to try getting the MAME GUI to stop showing up!)


Skip checks: MAME (HS)=Rom only; Arcade (LB)=Rom extension


Hide EMU: MAME Hide_Emu=true; Arcade Hide_Emu=use_global


There was a line for: Fade_Bar_Non7z_Progress_Time=use_global in MAME file, whereas the line read Fade_Progress_Duration=use_global in the Arcade file


2) These lines were different between the two files


The Arcade folder had a line Shader_Change_Key=use_global that was absent in the MAME file


Looking at these settings, I can't see which of these would cause the MAME GUI to show versus launching the game, but there were these differences between the six files. Switching out the config files in the MAME folder with copies of the config files in the Arcade folder seems the fix the problem.  The question is why exactly?


RE: Agent47, I will pull the log file if you still want me to post it after you read this post!




Okay, I first changed the logging option to "troubleshooting", opened the settings folder, installed the original config files, started HS, and launched a ROM.  Of course, it went to the MAME GUI.  I stopped MAME using ESC, quit HS, opened the log file, and copy/pasted the text into the textfile "Original MAME Config files-Rom=amspdwy".  Next, I replaced the config files with those from Arcade, launched HS, selected the same rom, and the game launched---no problems.  I quit the game, quit HS, opened the log file and copy/pasted into the textfile "Replaced with Arcade config files-Rom=amspdwy".  Both text files are attached. Please let me know what you come up with...Thanks in advanced!



Original MAME Config files-Rom=amspdwy.txt

Replaced with Arcade config files-Rom=amspdwy.txt


Wow!  If what you say is true, then that is interesting.  A few of those things you mentioned are very recent things I did yesterday to try to fix this problem: enabling Rom mapping was something I did change yesterday.  I had a thought that maybe the Rom wasn't being accessed, so I made a couple of changes in either RL or HyperHQ to see if they helped.  One was enabling Rom mapping, another was enabling full path to Mame in HyperHQ.  Now the other tings are more interesting.  Those are things that were done days ago, but did not seem to cause problems.  I did not set the default front end path to RLUI.  From reading the little note tab, it appears that that was overwritten by the program---perhaps since I switched the default FE from HS to LB.  I see it changed, but I know I didn't change it!  I don't recall copying the databases from HS to the RLUI directory, but I concede that I must have done that!  However, this was done sometime last year when I first installed the RL and deleted Hyperlauch from my setup.  However, none of these issues you mentioned seem to explain this MAME UI crap that I am seeing though... In each case, they would still be a problem with me swapping out the config files. 


Oh yeah, I also enabled 7z because a lot of the ROMs in other systems I have are on my system as 7z files.  I also had a set of MAM roms that were in 7z.  All of my current MAME Roms are in .zip format though,  The setting is a holdover from weeks ago...


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