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Pac-Drive for Visual Pinball


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I'd like to use a Pac-Drive for lighting my start button and launch button (rom controlled)

maybe the coin slots as well.

This is the pinball controller that I've made


I found 2 tutorials, and I've read that you have to use an old version of the ledcontrol.vbs file to get it working ( because the pac-drive wasn't supported anymore )

and some other files. But the tutorials are a few years old.

Has there been any changes regarding the files, maybe it's supported in the newest ledcontrol.vbs ?


Is there anyone here who uses the pac-drive for rom-controlled lighting of their leds ?


I hope I can use the pac-drive for this.


For altering the script of the tables, do you have to use a certain tool ?

( like the dof config tool, or is that for something else entirely ? )


Probably just manually edit each table script ?


Thanks in advance for the help.


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