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What exactly happens when you click "Update Database"?


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I'm just setting HS up tonight and have donated to all the sites. I'm slightly confused what happens when you click Update Database. I can't find info or instructions for hypersync. I assume it pulls your HS .xml files for the games you want displayed? Why is it dangerous to update this often? Can someone please explain whats happening when I press this button in semi-detail. Thanks!

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Hello and welcome to the forums!!!

You are correct. If you hit the button "Update Database" it will download the xml for that system from HyperList. Overwrite your existing. The up-side, is your database will comply to the HyperList names and most updated "official" database. The down-side is that it will wipe any custom setting you may have in there.



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The xml files located in Hyperspin/databases/[system names] are just lists of games, and whatever is in that list will show up on your wheel. People have spent a lot of time making "official" databases for a lot of systems which include more information than just the game titles, like manufacturer, genre, etc. Those official databases are always preferred until you learn to start making your own. The only reason you would want to use any custom database is in the event you want your hyperspin wheel to only show a certain set of games for that system.

HyperSync updates to the official databases (if there is one). Doesn't matter how many times you update a database through HyperSync. If the official database hasn't changed, you'll just be downloading the same file over and over.

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