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Queery - Transfering wheel from old HS to new (themes)


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Hi, I used to run a realy old beta version of HS but had it all set up nicely. I've recently updated to the latest version and there's a compatability issue cropped up.

Using the old method (as long as the filenames matched exactly), I could load in "Wheelart" (from the media/wheelart folder), "background" art (from the "media/backgrounds" folder) and videos (from the "media/videos folder").

In the new version, wheelart works but I can't see how to load in "videos" or "background art". Do I have to make a theme for each rom? :(

Thanks :)

eg: In the "settings" file, the old version had a [video defaults] and all the [artwork defaults] but the new one's a lot more streamlined - where these options removed or just relocated to somewhere else?

[video defaults]

path = C:\Hyperspin\Media\Gameboy Advance\Video\

width = 550

height = 412

x = 330

y = 260

rotation = 357

animation_time = 1.5

animation_type = bounce

animation_start = top

border_color = 0x000000

border_size = 12

border_color2 = 0XOOOOOO

border_size2 = 0

border_color3 = 0X000000

border_size3 = 0

forceaspect = horizontal

belowwheel = false


OK, managed to fix it! I needed to add a .zip folder called "default" with a theme script inside it. Then the Background artwork started to work :)


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