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pedestal arcade help


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hello everyone, im new to the arcade world i built a pedestal cabinet powered by a pc, I'm having a very hard time concerning actually running the system is hyperspin easy to install or would I need to have coding skills as I have been told? please help thanks 


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You don't need any coding skills to run Hyperspin. Especially if you are using it with Rocketlauncher. While there is a learning curve, if you can think logically and realize that file names all need to match what is on the .xml databases you will be fine. Most people try and download a bunch of random things, plug em in and expect it to work. It's not always that simple. Plus the community on this board is always here to help when issues come up. 

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hahaha thanks alot there are some minor faults to be honest, but i think I did pretty good for a first build, my main concern was assigning the buttons to what they are supposed to do in the games, I'm gonna go for it and I' confident with you guys's help it shall live!!!

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