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Volume Control

Guest Actuary11235

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Guest Actuary11235

Hey All. I'd like to use my pinball buttons to control volume instead of using my wireless multimedia keyboard but I can't figure out how. Can someone please provide some insight? Thank you in advance! :)

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Guest Actuary11235

I just found a program called "nircmd" which creates keyboard shortcuts. I just got it to work on my laptop by toggling mute w/F2 key. Hopefully I can transfer this to the pincab!! :)

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What are you using to interface your buttons? If you're using a keyboard encoder like an IPAC you can setup some shifted buttons to control overall system volume.

Ie hold one of your flipper buttons and use your start and credit buttons to turn the volume up or down. You would need to remap the keys to do so obviously but it gets you away from a keyboard or additional buttons.

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