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Default Emulator in Emulators.ini file Error [SOLVED]


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Hi - I have been looking for this problem for a long time but don't see anyone having the exact same issue - sorry if this already exists and has been answered.

I had Hyperspin working  without issue before having to install the latest version to fix the Windows 10 Update bug.

Now whenever I try to launch a game I get an error saying (For Example) No Default_Emulator found in "G:\Rocketlauncher\Settings\1941j\emulators.ini"  Please set one so RocketLauncher knows the module to use.

This error is different for every single game I have e.g. the "1941j" bit being replaced by the specific game.

I have tried launching the games from RocketLauncher and they load fine - it's only when I try to load them from Hyperspin I get the issue.

Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated as it is driving me mad and I think (famous last words) I have checked all the obvious things.

For info.

Hyperspin installed in "G:\Hyperspin"

RocketLauncher installed in "G:\RocketLauncher"

Thank you.




If anyone has the same issue I thought I'd post the fix.

I found the info here: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/showthread.php?960-Games-do-not-start-in-Hyperspin

To cut to the chase...

Run HyperHQ

Wheel Setting Tab

Dropdown to MAME

Execution was set to "Normal" - Should be set to "HyperLaunch"  as it changes the way hyperlaunch is called and the parameters are passed correctly.

Hope this helps others!






  • OKCHARLIE changed the title to Default Emulator in Emulators.ini file Error [SOLVED]


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