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HyperSpin (or RL) AutoHotKey.dll MeltDown


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I haven't messed with HyperSpin for at least 1 year.

Last time my family had kids over they didn't quite understand how to operate my MAME cabinet.  One of the issues was the Pause button.  They'd push it and get sent into Rocketlauncher's pause menu and couldn't back out.  And I'd have to come upstairs (where the arcade is located) and fix it.  no problem really.  But this year, since my wife and I are hosting Thanksgiving, I thought I'd take out the Pause key option.

I went into RL, Global Setting, then Controls, and erased the "P".  I then noticed the "disable Hotkey" for the Pause button, so I checked it and put the P back in the field.  I thought that would do it.

But now when I go into HS and try to launch a game, I get the below (partial cut/paste from the .dll) but the FULL ERROR is here (had to take a picture of computer screen) : https://app.box.com/s/zrbq98e7l9wosx83fljuq0f7z4lrwrzn

What in the world? I haven't messed with HS/RL in over a year, and the first time I open it up to let kids play with it it breaks down.  Can anyone help me?  I was hoping to have the arcade going for the kids over tomorrow for Thanksgiving!

Thank you for your help!


Error in #include file "C:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\Lib\Hotkey.ahk": 'none' is not a valid key name.


          176:  If    LabelForMoreThanTwoClicks
           177: XHotKeyTable[currentGroup,4,13] := false
           178:  }
            179:   RLLog.Debug(A_ThisFunc . " - Post loop 2 check")
            180: If (((Instr(KeyGroup,"joy")) and (XHotKeyTable[currentGroup,1,3]=1)) or ( not(Instr(KeyGroup,"joy")) and (XHotKeyTable[currentGroup,1,3]<=2))) and (((LabelForHoldKey="") and (LabelForDoubleClick="") and (LabelForMoreThanTwoClicks="") )){ ; defining normal hotkey command If the key group has: only one joy button or If it is a single key press with one or two simultaneous keys
            RLLog.Debug(A_ThisFunc . " - " . (If options = "OFF" ? "Disabling """ . LabelForSingleKey . """ standard Hotkey method for key(s): """ . KeyGroupWithSpaces . """" : "Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): """ . KeyGroupWithSpaces . """ to call label: """ . LabelForSingleKey . """"))
            Hotkey, % KeyGroupWithSpaces, %LabelForSingleKey%, %Options% ; normal hotkey command
        } Else { ; defining extended hotkey command If there are more them two simultaneous keys pressed (more them one for joy), or If it has hold, double or more click presses
            RLLog.Debug(A_ThisFunc . " - " . (If options = "OFF" ? "Disabling extended Hotkey method for key(s): """ . KeyGroup . """" : "Using extended Hotkey method for key(s): """ . KeyGroup . """ to call a group label"))
            Loop, Parse, KeyGroup, &,%a_space%
            180:    {
            181:    Hotkey, % XHotKeyTable[currentGroup,A_Index,2], HotKeyModeProcess, %Options% ; go to sub to test multiple key press If any exit emulator key is pressed
                XHotKeyTable[currentGroup,1,12] := true


Update: Not sure how this has to do with anything, but this error comes up when I hit ESC, whether I'm in RocketLauncher or HS or not.  Wow.  Really weird.  Please help!


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