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Icade (icade core) Bartop or Desktop Frankenstein Idea

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These are some cheap ideas with some existing materials. I'm not master but I would love your ideas dudes. Thanks!

I want to create an arcade setup. Similar to this icade mods using my Netbook.

Problem 1, the monitor I have maybe a little huge for the Standard Icade or the icade core pictured here



Here is my monitor: 17"

Acer x171 post-90495-142870633765_thumb.jpg

Problem 2, the Icade control runs via Bluetooth which I'm not sure I can get to work with windows or hyperspin.

Thoughts homies?


Frankenstein Alternative idea

Any cheap sturdy Arcade sticks with a flip top opening that I could easily drop a netbook into. That already has PC compatibility

The ultimate goal would be to keep the Netbook removable for typical use.

If the arcade base was sturdy enough I could attach the monitor with this:

LCD arm bracket:


I could then do some artwork on the back or add some stickers and drill some holes for power cables.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



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