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Download your own sound effects & putting them in Hyper-Spin


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Hi, EmuMovies I have a question, I just wanted to know in Hyper-spin in Attract-Mode is it possible to add  your own sound effects in Hyper-spin in Attract Mode, & if so what folders do I need to put the files in? The sound effects that I have aren't really video game sound effects & I made my own theme with a character that I really like that's not really a videogame character, (I mean the character was in one videogame on the PS1 I believe, but I think the game was only released in Japan. I can't remember the name of the game, I think it was called Angel Tales or something like that).( Back on subject). I got the sound effect off a website called Pond5.com & the sound effect is called Expanding Riser. I tried the sound effect in Hyper theme and it only plays one time When I downloaded the sound effect from Pons5.com it came as an mp4 file so I change the file to mp3 so it could play in Hypertheme. (like I said earlier the sound effect only plays one time in hypertheme but not at all in Hyper-spin). I also tried the sound effect in Hyper-Spin & I don't hear my sound effect, I hear all the other default sound effects in the Hyper-Spin but not my sound effect that I downloaded from Pond5.com why do you think this is happening??? (I Don't Understand this).


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