villesmall Posted March 25, 2021 Posted March 25, 2021 I would like to know what line of code I can add for text2 to be aligned in the center where the middle of the yellow line is Gostaria de saber que linha de códio posso acrescentar para o text2 ficar alinhado no centro onde está o meio da linha amarela [Game Text] game_text_active=true show_year=true show_manf=false show_description=true text_color1=0xff2600 text_color2=0xffd600 stroke_color=0x000000 text_font=Style1 text1_textsize=40 text1_strokesize=7 text1_x=200 text1_y=370 text2_textsize=26 text2_strokesize=8 text2_x=200 text2_y=50
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