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4 things that SHOULD work, but don't...


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Hey all--

First, amazing community--you all have been a great help, and even when I haven't posted I've learned so much from this forum. A great resource!

A few random questions that have come up in my experience with my arcade cabinet the last few months, hoping someone can help:

1) I have a 4 player, 7 button setup at each spot (plus the start and select buttons and a joystick). My buttons are 2 rows of three and then a third row with just one button. One glitch I've noticed is that when I try to map buttons, some emulators will not recognize a key and won't let me map it, whereas another one will just fine. So for example, using SNES9x emu, the top row MIDDLE button won't map, but when I use Retroarch for NES it works perfectly and maps with no issues. I tried SNES in Retroarch, and now it's the THIRD button that doesn't work/won't code or map. Why is this? If it's assigned to a keyboard key and works in one emulator, why wouldn't it work all the time? Also, any workaround on this? It really irritates me.

2) I have one system where I only want entries for the games I have to show up. I know I need to click "roms only" in HyperHQ AND enter the roms path, as well as the extensions. I've done each of those. But, when I click into the system in my main menu to go into the subwheel where the games are instead it RE-LOADS the main menu wheel; it acts like it tries to open the games but I don't notice anything. Is there another setting in HS/RL somewhere that needs to be checked? Appreciate the help here....this one has me stumped.

3) Is there an easy way to re-order my emulators in my main menu of HS? Some are out of place now, and I haven't found a place to do this.

4) I have WinXP 32 bit. There is only ONE version of Retroarch that works with that, and I have it running. I found a way to edit it so I could have ALL the cores (or at least more) show up, and I downloaded them, but they WON'T load. Is that because the WinXP 32 version doesn't support them, or is there a way to "force" it even further? I don't love RA, but it's a nice, easy one-stop-shop.



  • drjea2010 changed the title to 4 things that SHOULD work, but don't...


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