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Retroarch DLC's not working on Hyperspin+RocketLauncher


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hello I'm having a problem I don't know if anyone knows what it could be but it happened to me before with something similar but I fixed it in another way it happens that the dlc when I run from hyperspin or rocketlaunchui don't load the Metal Slug XX dlc but if I open Retroarch and I run Metal Slug XX if they load the DLC

previously it happened to me that playstation 1 did not detect the bios or firmware I had to move the folder and give it another name and in retroarch change the directory there if the playstation 1 emulator started to work but I don't know how to do it now with the DLC

with Hyperspin+RocketLauncherUI

with retroarch only
Metal Slug XX PSP - Play as Leona Heidern pt2 - YouTube


I solved it from retroarch and changed the Save directory settings to another place and the DLC started to work.


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