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Having problem with Nostalgia 5.0 and HL3


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I guess I'll answer my own question as I found that it had something to do with the zips. I had to unzip them all and then it works.

Needless to say I got this working perfect now. Took me awhile but I am making progress on figuring this on my own.


After further testing I figured this out now I got it working with zipped roms. I needed to make sure I had extensions set to zip|bin and 7z to True and Skip Checks to False and works perfect now!

If anyone with more than one controller (and have an xbox 360 controller) and was getting that direct input error the fix for that is to set all the controllers to the xbox 360 controller and the error no longer pops up. FOr me I have an xbox360, madcatz fightstick, and logitech3d pro and I was getting that error everytime so I set all to the xbox controller and the error doesn't show now.


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