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Need a batch that will take all games from xml and add them to games.ini....


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Hi all

I am going to a genre only style on one of my cabs.... I am doing all systems for arcade together (around 5 systems), trackball wheel, game shows, flash games, pc games, pinball games, etc....

I want to mass add all Sega Model 2, 3, Naomi and more to my roms wheel and then also have a genre wheel for each system.... I have all that set up. I need to now add each game to the games.ini in mame saying I want to launch with the other emulators. This will take forever one game at a time. I opened the INI and started adding them that way which is faster, but I would rather just make some kind of batch since I will be using mutliple systems in the mame wheel.'

I was hoping someone could write me a quick batch that would either

A: Scan an xml (example Sega Model 2) and grab the game name from that and then add it in another ini file that says


Emulator=Sega Model 2 Emulator

System=Sega Model 2

for each game.

Or scan a roms folder and do the same thing.

Hope that makes sense and thanks for any help!


Do you really need the Emulator tag? If you have the system setup right you shouldn't need to have that , AFAIK.

/Upload Here/horseyhorsey/Tools/Dons Merged XML Rom Mapper . You also need Dons HyperSpin Tools.

Open up Dons HyperSpin List Merger.exe. Load any xml into here and click merge. Save this merged xml. Then drag the merged xml onto "Dons Merged XML Rom Mapper.exe" which should spit out an games.ini

[10th Frame (Europe)]
System=Amstrad CPC
[12 Lost Souls (PD) (Europe)]
System=Amstrad CPC
[180 (Europe)]
System=Amstrad CPC


I want the exact same thing. An arcade wheel that uses the genre function to display all arcade games. I made it that far, but I stopped because I thought I'd have to add each sega model 2/3 game into HyperlaunchHQ manually to get them to launch since they don't use Mame as their emulator, and I naturally wanted the arcade wheel to list games for all the above systems (essentially adding them to my mame database) You're saying I can do that with Hyperlist merger, and this will also keep my list in alphabetical order? And you're saying if I use Rom Mapper it will generate an ini that will have the wheel launch with appropriate emulators?

That seems too easy. :D



Horsey - THANKS that is exactly what I need. Letter - that should be what you need as well!

Letter - you will need to put the ini in the appropriate file, but yes, this should do exactly what we both want/need.


Can I convince you to add the relevant files to the FTP, Tristeleele? If not, I'll add them to my directory after work. :D

For ease of use this requires

1: Genre.xml that lists capcom, sega model 2, etc. either including, or without the rest of the genres.

2: Bundle up the relevant classics + systems xmls. (Be wary here, a few people on the FTP have uploaded a "Capcom.xml" that is actually an entire mame.xml. Those won't work.

3: Ini files for systems not emulated by Mame.

The last thing to think about here it artwork. You'll have to merge sega model 2's at into the Arcade/media directory. Also, I'm not positive but pretty certain that you can't use a theme on a genre. Floating Yeti said he just pulled the backgrounds out of the standard themes, which is fine by me. I started with Hyperspin thinking I want as many wheels as possible, but when you start getting close to a 100 to flip through, you start thinking diffently, haha. So if we could bundle a wheel and a set of background pngs we should be all set.



I'm happy to help you , but my lists are most def going to be different then yours.... I have heavily edited certain things and added stuff you may not want to mine. Again, willing to help but my setup is very much custom to my needs on this cab. That being said, let me know if I can help you....


Oh, it wasn't for me. A lot of people have been asking for this, so I figured one of us should upload. I created all the files a while ago and am working on a wheel. Here's the thread about it: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?38484-WIP-All-Arcade-Systems-Under-One-Wheel-Genre-Subwheel-Trick

Thanks though! If you have any aptitude with graphic design and you want to help this little project, everything I don't have right now is listed in the second post.



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