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Retroarch choppy on all emulators


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Okay so the simple breakdown...

When launching Retroarch in Hyperspin games load up and seem to run at about half speed and have extremely choppy audio. This happens with all 5 cores I currently have setup. When I launch retro without hyper everything runs perfect.

Machine specs are as follows:

Athlon dual-core 3.0ghz

4gb ddr3

nvidia 8400 gs with fresh drivers

Windows 7 HP 64-bit

The whole computer and hyperspin installation is new from about a week ago. Directx is also a fresh install direct from MS. All core .dll's have been pointed to in hyperlaunchHQ (which fixed my issues on a previous machine, but not this one). Some input would be appreciated, I'm ready to sit down and nerd out :)

I initially did my retroarch setup from Walter's post


and have searched back through this to try and make sure I haven't overlooked something.



A lot has changed with RetroArch since that post, and because both the Hyperlaunch side and the RetroArch dev side is still changing, I haven't done any updates. But if it launches at all, you've set it up correctly enough. The only settings I can think that would slow it down are the shaders. Are you using them? I'd like to be clear. You're saying that when you launch RetroArch stand alone, it plays fine? If you launch through HyperlaunchHQ, it plays fine, and if you launch through hyperspin its slow and choppy?



Just double checked and standalone it runs normal, but through hyperlaunch or hyperspin I get the exact same slow down and audio fragmentation. Shaders are involved but when disabled I get the same result on all sides.


If you followed my guide, I'm assuming that you have system named configs in your config folder? To narrow the problem down, lets take out all of the configs from that folder (Make sure you move them completely out of the RA directory as the module may find them anyway if you don't). Basically, we want to launch RetroArch through HL using the retroarch.cfg file only. Then, try to launch from HLHQ. If it works, we can assume that your problem is with one of the settings in the configs. If it doesn't.......


Lets hope this works haha.

EDIT: Just to be sure, you have to click "apply shader changes" for any shader changes you've made to take effect. I've seen RetroArch do this when I put too many shaders/thewrong shader combination on a system. It makes sense that it would only happen through Hyperlaunch because when you launch RetroArch stand alone, it is not reading the system configs you created.



You sir, have all the brains.

Yes that fixes things, I will redo my configs and check them along the way to see if I can figure out where the slowdown showed up. Although seems kind of strange I did my initial configs without hyperspin/launch, just through a standalone launch of retroarch, then renamed them per system. Maybe my machine gets angry when running HS and RA at the same time, will have to be a little more polite on the shader settings.

Again thank you for the quick answer and the right one!



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