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Dreamcast demul autosort


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I'm trying to fix some transparency issues I'm have with some Dreamcast games (Shenmue, MSR).


If I run demul.exe(demul32- by itself and choose Config->Video, there's an option for Disable Auto Sort which is checked. Turning that off seems to fix my issue. The settings are stored in gpuDX11.ini.


However, if I run through HyperLaunch, the option & ini file get reset.


I think it has to do with the Demul (v0.5.8).ahk file, specifically these lines:


; This updates the DX11gpu ini file to turn List Sorting on or off. Depending on the games, turning this on for some games may remedy missing graphics, having it off on other games may fix corrupted graphics. Untill they improve the DX11gpu, this is the best it's gonna get.
If plugin = gpuDX11
If ListSorting = true
IniWrite, 0, %gpuFile%, main, AutoSort ; 0 enables Auto Sort in demul 0.5.7, opposite from 0.5.6
IniWrite, 1, %gpuFile%, main, AutoSort ; Disabling Auto Sort unless someone specifies it to be on or off in settings
If I try to edit this I get a checksum error. How do I edit ahk files and am I going about this the correct way?

You'll probably get a quicker or better answer if you post this over in the new rlauncher web site...directed at djvj or brolly... in either the modules or requests sections of the forum... They would have to change the checksum on that module to make it official. Otherwise, I think there is a setting in HLHQ to disable the check, but then you lose some desired functionality.


Good luck.


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